London wedding planner

London wedding planner

Planning an Intimate Wedding

Planning an intimate wedding maybe the type of wedding you want once our lives start to return to normal after the corona virus. I have no doubt that we will st

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Marquee wedding planner

Planning a Wedding at Home

Planning a wedding at home can be very challenging, but also very fulfilling. There is a lot to think about when you are planning a wedding at home and these ar

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Cotswolds wedding planner

Cotswold Wedding Planner

Cotswold wedding planner, Louise Perry weddings, had the privilege of planning the most intimate and beautiful day for our couple Laura and Ollie. They had alre

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Planning a wedding in the UK

Planning a wedding in the UK can be difficult if you live overseas. We work with many couples from right across the globe who choose to come to the UK to marry.

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destination wedding planner

Destination Wedding Planner

Destination wedding planner, yes, we plan weddings right across the world, literally right across the world. From France to Italy, From Switzerland to Mauritius

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Essex wedding planner

Louise Perry Weddings featured on Rock My Wedding Blog

Louise Perry Weddings featured on Rock My Wedding Blog. It is so lovely when your clients weddings get featured somewhere and one of our favourite blogs is Rock

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destination wedding planner

Multi Cultural Weddings

Multi cultural weddings have become somewhat of a speciality of ours over the years. We have planned them all over the world. From England to Mauritius. We love

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Marquee Wedding

I love a marquee wedding. As far as I am concerned they really are the best. You can create magic from absolutely nothing with a marquee wedding and even better

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UK wedding planner

UK Wedding Planner

May saw four weddings, all different and all spectacular. As a UK wedding planner I love that every one of our weddings is different, every one is about our cou

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Wedding Flowers

Wedding flowers, how important are they to you? The general advice is spend 10% of your overall budget on your flowers. This is obviously just a guide but it gi

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